Affiliate Program Earn money for selling Printer's Apprentice
Our affiliate program allows web publishers to link to the Lose Your
Mind Development site and earn money from any resulting sale of our
Printer's Apprentice software product.
If you run a software directory, a blog or just like to recommend good
software to friends and associates, you can earn money from your referrals.
We offer linking web sites a generous 35% COMMISSION for each sale
of our Printer's Apprentice software package.
How Does It Work?
Our ecommerce partner,, provides
the complete affiliate program administration tools for our products. When a
visitor follows a link or banner from your site, Avangate keeps track of
your Affiliate ID for 120 calendar days. Any order placed by the same
user within that period guarantees your affiliate commission. You will receive a
check from Avangate for your referrals.
More information can be found on the Avangate web site at this URL:
If you have any questions, let me know. Send an email to
How To Sign Up
- Our ecommerce provider, Avangate, has all the details about the program. Start the process at this by clicking the button below.
Affiliate Sign Up
- Once you have completed the sign up process, Avangate will allow you to join the Lose Your Mind Development affiliate network.
- Use the Avangate affiliate tools to generate links to our product pages and shopping cart.
- We also provide our affiliates with a variety of icons, screen shots and stock text that you can use on your web pages. They are
available on the Avangate pages. We also make them available below for your convenience.
Remember - the more referral links you create, the more chances you have to make money from your web site!
Banners, Buttons, Etc.
Here are a variety of links, banners and buttons that you are free to use
on your site. If you are looking for any other sales resources, please send
an email to
PAD File: |
pad_file.xml |
Product Icon: |
Box Shot: |
Screen Shots: |
Please see the Printer's Apprentice screen shot page for more shots. |
200x121 thumbnail, click for a large 953x576 image
Descriptions: |
45 character
80 character
250 character
450 character
2000 character